On Location : 11kms South of Marshall, SK : NW-32-47-26-W3
Scribner Auction will be conducting this Totally UNRESERVED Auction
for Jody & Michelle Freimark on Saturday June 24th, 2023 starting at 10am
Sale will take place at the Farm Site: NW-32-47-26-W3 (11kms South of Marshall, SK)
This Auction has many great items including :
VAN, STOCK TRAILER, FLAT DECK TRAILERS, SHEDS, VEHICLES, LUMBER, PIPE, ATV’s, Lawn Tractors, Antiques, Many Quality Tools and Much Much More!
Mark your calendar and plan to attend this Auction in person.
(This Auction Sale will be LIVE ONSITE ONLY . . . Not Online)
See you Sale Day . . . Kevin
Saturday, June 24th 2023 ~ Starts at 10am
Partial Listing :
2014 Dodge Grand Caravan Crew Van (363,933kms); 26ft Dutchmen Classic Fifth Wheel Trailer; 2002 Lund 1700 Pro Sport Boat w/115hp Mercury Motor & Bow Mount w/EZ Loader Trailer (Note: Needs Driver Windshield); 1975 Dodge Custom 300 Grain Truck w/Metal Box & Hoist; Mercury M-6 Grain Truck (Not Running); 1976 Mercury Meteor Montcalm; 2009 Utility Trailer 16ft Flat Deck; 18ft SWS Flat Deck Trailer (No Ramps); 2006 Triton Aluminum Trailer (12ft x 8-1/2ft); 2001 Certified Custom 10ft Trailer; Sask Registered Homebuilt Trailers (2); 1979 Wylie Stock Trailer; Kubota 54” Zero-Turn Lawn Mower (160hrs); 2007 Honda Fourtrax TRX420 Fuel Injected Quad; 2005 Honda Fourtrax TRX350 Quad; John Deere R72 Lawn Tractor (Not Running); Kubota T1570 Hydrostatic Lawn Tractor (Not Running); 2001 Bombardier Traxter XT Quad w/Winch (Not Running); 1998 Polaris Indy 488 Super Sport Snowmobile; 1985 Yamaha Moto 4 Kids Quad (Not Running); Ski-Doo Olympique 399 Snowmobile (Not Running); 14' Aluminum Boat w/9.8hp Mercury Motor; Variety of Panels & Gates; Short Box Dodge Truck Box Topper; Bale Rack for Trailer (26ft x 9ft); Feeders & Troughs; HiQual Calf Table; Cattle Squeeze; Pig Crates; Texas Gate (15-1/2ft); Custom Built Smoker; 2 Story Shed (8.5’W x 16’L x 14’H); Craftsman Air Compressor; Miller Millermatic 211 Wire Welder; Hypertherm Powermax 600 Plasma Cutter; Tool Boxes; Large Assortment of Welding Rod; Scaffolding; Dewalt Compound Mitre Saw; Honda 3000 Generator; Bosch Table Saw; Electric Log Splitter; Canwood Mitre Saw; Router w/Table; Makita Metal Chop Saw; Red-D-Arc D300K 3+3 Welder; Large Variety of Power & Hand Tools; Calf Shelter (10ft x 6ft x 6ft); Head Gate; Steel Wheels; Buzz Saws (2); Bale Fork; Yard Floats; 3pt Hitch 2 Bottom Plow; Slip Tanks; Poly Tanks; Large Variety of Pipe & Rod; Welding Cable Spools; Rototillers & Push Mowers; Wooden Sheds to be Moved (12’x14’); 3pt Hitch Post Pounder; Variety of Lumber; Selection of Antiques (Including Gulf Gas Pump, Coca-Cola Cooler, Good Cheer Stoves, Crocks, Advertising and Rustic Collectibles); Shearing/Grooming Tools; Wrangler Acoustic Guitar; Dog Houses; Hot Tub (Needs Work); Bicycles; Quality Furniture; Variety of Household & Much More !
26527 GRID 688
Unreserved Auction Sale
for Jody & Michelle Freimark
26527 GRID 688

On Location : 11kms South of Marshall, SK : NW-32-47-26-W3

1. Terms of the sale are cash, debit, mastercard/visa, bank draft or personal cheque with proper identification (such as D/L# and/or credit card) and upon approval. No item(s) may be removed from any auction site until said funds have cleared.
2. All property is being displayed for thorough public inspection and shall be sold as is, where is and without recourse for any refund of the sale price. Misnomer or incorrect description shall not entitle the purchaser to any refund or reduction of the sales price. All bidders are urged to closely inspect all items offered. No warranty exists implied or otherwise in relation to any item(s) and/or good(s) offered for sale unless otherwise announced by the Auctioneer at the auction sale.
3. When the Auctioneer says “sold”, title on the property shall pass to the highest bidder. Should a tie or dispute arise between two or more bidders, the Auctioneer may reopen the bidding between the high bidders until the property is sold. The decision of the Auctioneer shall be final and absolute.
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5. NSF cheques or stoppage of payment will be turned over to legal authorities and all costs will be at the purchaser’s expense.
6. The Auctioneers, their agents, the owners of the premises and all persons for whom the Auctioneer may be acting shall not be liable for hidden defects. All persons are on these premises at their own risk.
7. You are responsible for all items charged to your Bidding Number. All bidders are bound by their signature on bidders registration agreement.
8. Bidding on any item indicates acceptance of these terms and conditions. Any additional terms and conditions of sale shall be announced prior to the auction.
9. I (we) agree to assign any or all properties, goods or chattels to the selling agent (Scribner Auction Ltd.) under the Personal Property Securities Act in order that they may recover any monies owing against purchases.
10. The Auction Company is not liable for any mechanical defects found on any vehicle or vehicles purchased. Please inspect all item(s) and/or goods before bidding.
11. The Federal Government’s Goods & Services Tax (GST) & Provincial Government Sales Tax (PST) of 6% will be charged on all applicable item(s) and/or good(s) sold and will be remitted to the Federal Government under current Federal regulation governing the goods & services tax.
12. A minimum deposit of Three Hundred ($300.00) dollars or 10% which ever is greater is required on sale day on any or all item(s) and/or good(s) purchased. Deposits are payable by debit, cash, e-transfer, visa, or mastercard.
13. Any purchases made by Visa or Mastercard will be subject to an additional administration charge of 3% of the total purchase price.
14. Balance of purchase must be paid by cash, bank draft, debit or personal or company cheque, which has been approved by the auction company. Visa or Mastercard will be accepted following the terms from #13 as set out above.
15. Settlement in full must be made for all item(s) and/or good(s) purchased by the conclusion of the next banking day and/or business day from the date of the auction sale before “ANY” item(s) and/or good(s) are to be removed from the auction premise.
16. It is the responsibility of the Bidder to purchase insurance for their purchases immediately.
17. Any short fall shall be the liability of the original purchaser. By signing your bid card you have accepted, and will hold yourself responsible for all the terms and conditions contained in your auction purchase agreement.
18. The Bidder acknowledges that an auction site, whether on private or public land, is a potentially dangerous place. Any person at the auction site is there at their own risk and should advise their agents, employees, and all other accompanying parties of the same. No person shall have any claim against Scribner Auction Ltd. or the Seller for any losses, damages, accidents, discomforts incurred, or injuries sustained while viewing the auction sale items on or off the property, or during removal of purchased items following the completion of the auction. Scribner Auction Ltd. And it’s Consignor(s) are not liable for injury while public is on the Auction premises (2209-23 Street, Wainwright, AB) or Sale Site : Freimark Acreage (NW-32-47-26-W3 , Marshall, SK ).